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Transformative Immersive
Learning experiences

Transformative Immersive
Learning experiences

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Training

Workshops and Trainings

DEI Basics Series of workshop
Capacity and capability workshops targeted at supporting leaders and managers. These build empathy and create understanding regarding the fundamental concepts that underpin
inclusion, equity, and belonging - 2.5-hour interactive workshops on core concepts and training for managers and leaders, and teams.
- Interactive using Gamification Card Games, Board Games, and other tools of play
- Immersive Learning Virtual Reality


-How to be positive and impactful ally concepts of allyship.


-How to stand with and not stand in place of someone.


How to walk alongside a person in solidarity and support while allowing people to be the hero of their own


-Applying the BRIDGE Framework to building True Allyship

Reverse Mentorship

-Mentorship program where the staff mentor leaders and managers on inclusion and inclusive practices


-Understanding the concept of reverse mentorship


-How to create a psychological safe environment that can support reverse mentorship


-Reward and recognition framework

Why diversity matters

-Understanding why diversity is crucial to productivity


-How to manage turnover, increase productivity, save money, and make money by understanding why DEI matters to your organization

Unconscious Bias

-Challenging unconscious bias by immersing a person in someone else’s shoes.


-Challenging hidden biases that could be impacting decision-making in leaders and executives


-How Managers and Leaders may unknowingly treat people who are different from themselves.

Bystander behaviour

How to move from being a bystander to being an upstander

Safe and supportive intervention strategies

Why doing something is not always the best option

Equity vs Equality

-Understanding that equality and equity are different concepts and why equity matters more


-Understanding privilege and how we hold pockets of privilege and how to use privilege to increase equity

Psychological safety

-Psychological safety is the belief that you won't be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes.


-Understanding the fundamentals of what makes an organization psychologically safe.


-How do you identify if you have a toxic work culture.


-Understanding Psychosocial Hazards and your responsibilities and an employer

Ethical story telling

-Applying the T.E.S.T Framework to ethical storytelling


-Storytelling is the cornerstone of DEI


-Understanding the importance of maintaining the integrity of the story holder when re-telling stories

Virtual Reality Immersive learning

-Leadership Development Workshops – 2.5 Hours


-Half Day Organisational Culture Workshops (Diversity Equity and Inclusion)


-Full Day Team Development Workshops

Customised co-designed workshops


-What is intersectionality and why this matters


-It is not only about gender, race or a single protective characteristic, it is about how all the protective characteristics work together


-Understand what microaggressions are?


-How microaggressions perpetuate a toxic workplace culture


-Calling out with kindness


-Above the line-below, the line language


-Building inclusive teams


-Character of high-performing teams/culture

Outcomes from using Virtual reality

Why VR is an Effective Tool

Propels Action - the VR experience is immediate, and
change is instant it compels action

Confronts you with the uncomfortable truths and
allows you to sit in them in a safe supported
environment (facilitated journey)

Creates space for vulnerability and allows conversation
to flow (facilitation is critical for this to be realized)

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